Updates and Anniversaries
I just realized that today was the two-month anniversary of Young Learner’s Guide to American Wildlife. I’ve been having a blast with the comic so far, and I’m extremely excited about what the future holds. Someone once told me that if you can keep a daily running regimen for two weeks straight, you’ve got good odds at being able to maintain it for the long-term. I’m sure there’s a similar benchmark for cartoonists – I don’t know if two months gets me past it, but looking into the future I can’t imagine stopping any time soon.
There’s been a number of developments since the last time I posted a blog entry here. I’ve been working on a long-form comic project that should be pretty awesome. I won’t say too much right now, but regular Dancing Bear readers will recognize the subject matter. As work progresses I’ll start posting samples as bonus comics, so stay tuned for sexy exciting previews.
In other news, I’ll be moving in August to pursue a Masters of Fine Arts in creative writing at the University of Kansas – Lawrence. It’s a really exciting opportunity to spend three years focusing on my creative efforts (and getting paid to do so!) and I think it’ll provide some great avenues to develop my cartooning in conjunction with writing. This shouldn’t affect the online elements of the comic at all – I will continue posting two strips a week even if it means spending less time grading papers and doing homework assignments. For Columbia residents, this does mean Dancing Bear will be finding a new home, but it will still be available online. And if any collaborators want to step forward, I’m definitely interested in working out a system of mailing new issues here so paper copies of Volume II can still be passed out in my beloved CoMO.
Woof, big update. Guess I should try posting more regularly. Anyway, happy two-month birthday YLG! Have some cake!
– scott
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