I doodled this in the coffee shop on Saturday. I wasn’t really planning to draw a comic, but felt like playing with this wandering knight character and this came out. The dialogue is sort of improvisational – once I was on panel three I realized that I was in fact drawing a comic and just kind of let my mind roam. This is what it came up with. Sorry.
Hi, folks! Back again so soon? I realized I never posted the third installation of my Birds Painted on National Geographic series, so here it is. I particularly like the way the birds suggest that they’re going to bounce once they hit the ground, and the frustration evident in the woman’s face at the fact that birds have – once again – gotten into her grain. Sigh. Damn birds.
I sketched out the idea for this comic years ago, possibly during lecture in undergrad. It floated around in a notebook somewhere until I rediscovered it a while ago, and decided to do something with it. I usually use technical pens for comics, but I was interested in a rougher look for this, so I went old school and used two G2s (05 and 038), and some brick red craft paint I had lying around. Messing with the paint made me realize I really just need to get some ink and brushes and start experimenting with washes. You don’t really get the same depth and subtle cross-hatching with a gel pen.
Ah, also, it’s Highlander gag. Do you like it?
What’s that? A new comic? Yes indeedy! The above strip was meant to be a pretty quick exercise, just scribbling out a fairly simple idea one after noon and posting it. Instead, at some point, it became something that would require several hours of work stretched out over two weeks. Because I have no capacity for enforcing efficiency or regularity in my work, which is fine because I don’t think those are important traits for cartoonists.
Remember when I used to just do blog posts? I think I might start doing that again, since I often have important, valuable things to say, even when I don’t have new drawings to post.
It’s been awhile since the last update, and finals week means no time for draw! So you get another bird painted on a photo (BPOP)! En-wah.
Seeing as it’s end-of-semester time and I’ve got piles of grading and writing in front of me, I figured I should spend Friday night adding pictures of birds to National Geographic photos. It’s maybe not a comic in the strictest sense – lacking any textual or sequential aspects, after all – but I like it. So in lieu of any other ready-to-post content please enjoy the new featurette: Birds In Things.
In the course of my MFA curriculum I came across the course Comic Books and Film, taught by comic book writer Jai Nitz. It’s been an interesting supplement to my various Lit and workshop courses, and for the assignments we draw comics. This go-round we were to diagram a story arc from a preexisting book, movie, or show. Die Hard seemed like the obvious choice. So in case you’re in an argument with friends and need concrete evidence of how John McClane thoroughly executes story structure, here it is. Enjoy!
This was requested by a patron at Lakota Coffee like a year and a half ago. He asked for a drawing of himself riding a dinosaur riding another dinosaur, carrying a shoulder-mounted crocodile launcher. And he wanted it to feature his awesome straw hat. The rest was up to me. This is what a came up with many months later. Not a comic per se, but I think it’s a pretty passable amusing drawing. And of course, here is the full-size version, since I keep uploading over-sized drawings.
I haven’t put anything up in a little bit, so I thought I’d dig back into the past and present a sketchbook drawing I did a while ago. Melchior the Archmage has appeared before, but never established much a presence. I’ve been putting a lot of time into a long form project based around the character and his attempts to assimilate to the bizarre ways of life of modern suburbia (a small taste of which is presented above). So this guy may be showing up a lot here lately. And since the above is poorly resized (remember – it’s a sketchbook drawing, not a finished comic), here is the full-sized version.