I’ve made a few changes to the site, and comics no longer appear on the front page. You can now find all my comics in their own section, aptly titled “Comics”.
You can also click here to see the latest update, a little notebook comic capturing how I felt one late, lonely evening in September.
This roll of film takes us from dismal early spring in Kansas to the equator, as I spend Spring Break in Kenya and Tanzania with my father and sister. I’ll break the “Photo A Day” rule pretty liberally for the next several rolls, as photos of wildlife and landscapes are more interesting than 95% of my daily-life photos. At some point I plan also to compile all the Africa shots into an album – what you’ll see in the PAD posts are just select photos.
March 10, 2013. Indiana St.
March 11, 2013. Massachusetts St.
March 12, 2013. Wescoe Hall, following “emergency” evacuation cum fire drill.
March 13, 2013. Mississippi St, orange in the road.
March 14, 2013. Mississippi St Garage, view from the elevator.
Journal Excerpt – The Night Before: I find myself in the confounding situation of enforced idleness. I’ve been going full speed all week to prepare for this trip. When I get back to the apartment the chaos will resume. But for now all I can do is wait to rejoin the insanity. An eye of the storm moment.
March 15, 2013. Kansas City International Airport, takeoff.
Journal Excerpt – Departure: Really, so far this is a real-time documentation of sleep deprivation’s impact on thought process. Coherent ideas that persist for more than two seconds? NOPE.
March 16, 2013. Amsterdam Airport, landing.
Journal Excerpt – Final Approach: This trip already has underscored how uncomfortable I am with feeling out of control. … I like to feel like I know what’s happening – that I have control over my situation – and traveling like this calls on me to accept not having control.
March 17, 2013. Nairobi Wilson Airport. Sweet Waters Camp, Nanyuki, Kenya: Elephants, Buffalo, Rhinoceroses. Latitude Zero, Harold M. Ross.
Journal Excerpt – Nairobi to Nanyuki: Flying out of Nairobi on a single-engine plane was fascinating. It seemed like there was Nairobi, then someone decided to surround it with miles of rural homes. As you get further out the beauty of the terrain takes over; buildings thin out and you start to see the traditional houses with high-peaked thatched roofs. Some are quite large and multi-storied.
It’s important to mention that today I touched a rhino.
Notes: Giraffes – just don’t even care. They wander around eating leaves and could walk right through you.
Lions – Apparently giant cats also spend their afternoons lying in a pile, cuddling, and rolling around on their backs.
Elephants – Shy? Never took off but seemed to prefer staying back behind the foliage, out of direct sight.
After returning to the Carpathia, Derby witnesses his crew’s LifeDay celebrations and the hardships caused by his selfishness. Stricken with grief and anger, Derby is presented one final vision – that of LifeDay future. The Grand Galactic Witnessinger shows Derby the terrible fate that awaits him if he does not change his arrogant ways. Having seen the importance that LifeDay holds to those around him, will Derby repent and in time?
Scott Ross – Captain Jack Derby
Phil Garland – Lt. James Perry, Grand Galactic Witnessinger
Justin Wilson – Ollie, Korgath, Hans
Sara Leavens – Engineer Faye Chinsky, The Judge
“When I accepted a commission on the Carpathia, I was the first Claamisian to ever serve in AstroBase, and I did so to better understand such human concepts as empathy, compassion, and tolerance. My decision was met on my home planet by my denunciation as a traitor and expulsion from the community of Claamisian warriors. In my culture, the only suitable response to such dishonor would be to immediately take my own life with a cermonial D’Khagg – but being stripped of my statehood, even this option is denied me. Today I am honored to provide an introduction for this radio program which serves as a permanent record of my eternal shame and isolation.”
– Peter Korgath, ship’s counselor aboard the USS Carpathia
The Adventures of the USS Carpathiain Outer Space!!
Episode 4: A Christmas Peril, or, The Greatest LifeDay Ever Told (Part 1)
Winner, Best Special Broadcast – Radio, College Broadcasters Inc 2014 Student Production Awards
It’s holiday season aboard the Carpathia, but Captain Derby is in no mood to celebrate. After cancelling LifeDay leaves for the entire crew and isolating himself in his quarters he is visited by the ghost (?) of Dr. Tobayashi, who warns him an emissary from a grand galactic race, is coming to teach him the true meaning of LifeDay. Upon arrival, the Grand Galactic Witnessinger presents Captain Derby with scenes of LifeDay past, showing him how he lost his holiday spirit and became the bitter, selfish man he is today.
Scott Ross – Captain Jack Derby
Phil Garland – Lt. James Perry, Grand Galactic Witnessinger
Justin Wilson – Ollie, Korgath, Chaz Remmington, Mr. Derby
Sara Leavens – Engineer Faye Chinsky, Deborah, Admiral Nevers, Mrs. Derby
“As an AstroBase engineer, my area of expertise lies in the hard sciences – I’m afraid I don’t know much about literature or the performing arts. However, I do avidly listen to interstellar radio broadcasts (classical artists such as Rick Springfield and Miley Cyrus are particular favorites) and I was flattered to learn that a radio dramatization of the Carpathia‘s travels was in the works. Having listened to the first several episodes I can say that despite the workmanlike production values and one-dimensional characterization, the writers of the series have presented a sufficiently accurate modicum of life aboard a starship. There are a few points on which I would like to” [character limit reached]
– Faye Chinsky, first engineer and Chief Science Officer of the USS Carpathia
The Adventures of the USS Carpathia in Outer Space!!
Episode 3: Reunited and it Feels so Awkward, or, Homeward Bound and Gagged
The crew of the Carpathia returns to AstroBase HQ in glamorous Colorado Springs. Lt. Perry attempts to reconcile with family, Captain Derby makes time for the night life, and Engineer Chinsky crosses paths with an old Academy classmate. Hard decisions must be made when Faye must choose between duty and friendship, Perry considers returning to the family farm, and Derby weighs the pros and cons of late checkout.
Scott Ross – Captain Jack Derby, Dr. Pierre Cromerrety, Randall Joseph Perry III Phil Garland – Lt. James Perry, Trisha Yeardsley Justin Wilson – Ollie, Korgath, Ma Perry Sara Leavens – Engineer Faye Chinsky
Bringing you the story of a humble wombat turned folk music legend, a celebrity appearance at a local elementary and one sensitive youth’s public radio documentary about life in the Midwest. Plus, the Tallest Building in Topeka Awards and our foray into opening monologues!
Go to a place located “behind” where “the music” is (no copyright violation there!) and hear the true story of Mitchel, a wombat who rose of the obscurity of the Wichita Zoo to the star-studded life of a professional harmonica player. (Justin Wilson)
3. Woody Allen Reading Series
Writer and filmmaker Woody Allen stops by St George’s Elementary to do a live reading of “Stone Soup” for the student body. (Scott Ross)
4. “River of Love”
Join Jack, a teenage intellectual and artistic spirit, as he chronicles his relocation from the East Coast to Cape Girardeau, MO and his attempt to find a place for a dreamer by the mighty Mississippi. Try hard not to think about Rushmore while listening. (Phil Garland)
“When I was a young’un chasing across the North Dakota cotton fields, I never once I imagined I’d grow up to fly interstellar spaceships for AstroBase. Let alone that they’d make it the subject of a radio-talk dramatization program! Let alone that they’d ask me to write an introduction for the radio drama show they made about me flying interstellar spaceships for AstroBase! All things considered I’d say it’s just swell. And even if they did change anything, they made me seem even handsomer than real life!”
– James Perry, pilot and First Officer of the USS Carpathia
Episode 2: Bazaar Love Triangle, or, So Close and Yet so Balkovaar
In the thrilling second installment of our science fiction adventure, a breakdown strands the Carpathia conveniently near a planet with a healthy aerospace industry. Derby and Faye attempt to blend in with local culture to find the parts they need while Lt. Perry and visiting Xenoanthropologist Hans set about repairing the engine – but end up repairing themselves. Kind of.
Scott Ross – Captain Jack Derby/Balkovaar King
Phil Garland – Lt. James Perry/Guard
Justin Wilson – Ollie/Hans/Scooter/Shopkeeper
Sara Leavens – Engineer Faye Chinsky/Balkovaarians
This round of sketches brings you our take on fantasy football, Dorian Gray as a modern scenester because everyone loves Victorian lit references, and a surprising number of broadcast genre spoofs.
Fine Arts in Radio Theater (F.A.R.T.) presents the opening sequence of the timeless tale, in which famed iPhone portraitist Basil Hallward complete his masterwork: a picture of his muse, Dorian Gray, who pronounces a fateful wish. – Scott Ross
2. Time to Wake Up Topeka
Is there any situation more fraught with barely-contained desperation, emotional flashpoints scattered like landmines, waiting to explode with a lifetime of suppressed rage and resentment than the network morning show? The answer is yes: a network morning show in Topeka, Kansas. – Sara Leavens
3. Live Segment: Listener Emails
Justin, Scott, and Sara field some listener emails about radio work, the NFL, and the afterparty following the first Tallest Building in Topeka Awards.
4.Chopper Claude
High above the city, where individual souls are as indistinguishable and transitory as passing ants, hangs Chopper Claude, bringing you the reports on traffic and man’s futile but ceaseless drive to move ever forward and elsewhere. – Phil Garland
5. Conan the Egalitarian
Heady from the latest victory, Conan shares what he thinks life is all about… – Justin Wilson
6. Live Segment: Fantasy Fantasy Football Draft
Sara, Scott, and Justin jump on-board the latest craze by drafting their fantasy teams live an on-air. If their rosters are any indication, this season will be an epic battle!
7.Sports Yak
We check in with Jay and Bruce to get the latest updates from the sporting world. What do they think about Cleveland’s latest RTR% matched up against Thomas’ CRI/PT ratio? Hit play to find out! – Phil Garland
8. The Instagram of Dorian Gray, Chapter 2
Ten years have passed since Basil Hallward took his instagram of Dorian Gray. Crossing paths at a coffee shop, Basil is shocked to discover that Dorian hasn’t aged a day, and indeed still wears the youthful styles and works the same job he did as an undergrad. – Scott Ross
9. Live Segment: The Tallest Building in Topeka Awards
“When I was first asked to introduce the opening episode of the Dancing Bear Variety Hour, my reaction was immediate and emphatic. ‘What in the hell is that, and why in God’s name should I give half a damn?’ I inquired. On being informed that it is apparently a platform for so-called comedy of the simplest and most puerile variety – in which my own person is repeatedly slandered and my reputation shamelessly degraded – I repressed my urge to vomit and composed this statement:
People don’t want comedy on the radio. Radio programs are for international news, financial reports, and avoiding pointless small talk while overnight guests gather their belongings in the morning. Stop wasting your time.”
– Jack Derby, AstroBase Officer and Captain of the USS Carpathia
Here we bring you our first ever episode of The Adventures of the USS Carpathia in Outer Space. Originally broadcast on KJHK in September 2013, it introduces the intrepid crew of the Carpathia as they seek to unravel the mystery of heroic Chaz Remmington’s disappearance while testing Dr. Tobayashi’s vaunted Ambition Drive.
As these posts are being backdated after doing the show for seven months, it bears noting that this first episode was originally written for a science fiction literature class – part of our focus was playing up the tropes and cliches of the genre. So beyond the usual episode one clunkiness, there’s some questionable racial/gender humor intended to satirize the stereotypes we found in a lot of older SF. It doesn’t really play if you aren’t “in on it” and we’ve happily developed beyond that as we’ve continued.
Also, Faye says “Star Fleet” which is really embarrassing.
Written by Scott Ross, Justin Wilson, and Phil Garland
It’s our first episode ever! This compendium of sketches features our first foray into radio comedy, and introduces some soon-to-be-familiar material including Peter Carson, verbally abusive gameshow host, and the Tallest Building in Topeka Awards! This episode originally aired on KJHK 90.7fm in September 2013.
1. A Muppet Catcher in the Rye
2. Bob Dylan Reading Series
3. Win, Lose or Draw – Radio Edition
4. Radio Adventures with Burt Kazerac!
5. Big Bang Theory Firing Squad
6. Tallest Building in Topeka Awards
All content written, recorded, and produced by Scott Ross, Justin Wilson, and Phil Garland. Additional voices by Sara Leavens.